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51 entries.
Bärbel Busch wrote on 13 January 2021 at 18:34
Good evening from cold Germany to Fuerteventura, my cousin, who always spends the winter months on the island with his wife, has made me aware of the great need of many islanders. I have therefore decided to make a small donation. In any case, I will tell my friends and family about the precarious situation and welcome further donations. I wish you good health and strength. B. Busch from Chemnitz in Saxony
Esther Droth wrote on 22. December 2020 at 19:18
I wish you continued strength and success with your organisation. Stay healthy. Best wishes from Bamberg
La familia Hilski wrote on 22. December 2020 at 09:48
Dear "La Caja de la pequena Silvia" team, We were guests with our three children on Fuerteventura for many years. Never the hotel tourists, just because of the space with five people. This also brought us closer to the people of Fuerteventura, who were always very friendly to us. Even then, the landlord asked us not to "dispose of" the fridge, but to leave it for the cleaner. We then topped up the fridge again before we left. We therefore know how important your work and your efforts are. With our donation, we also want to say thank you once again to Karola Simoni's practice. Years ago, our son cut his calf while surfing and needed stitches. While we were still on the beach, you solved everything with our son. Completely uncomplicated. The next day, our youngest daughter kicked a Peta fish on the beach. Everyone let us into the surgery and because our daughter was hungry, the doctor even shared his sandwich with her. Even though our donation is not huge, we hope to be able to give a little back. Best regards Luc, Liz, Lil with Conny and Frank
Vanessa wrote on 17 December 2020 at 13:17
hola buenos dias, me gustaría saber como puedo pedir la ayuda de alimentos, muchas gracias de antemano
Bianka H. wrote on 14 December 2020 at 12:05
A new donation has just been sent on its way. Thank you for your commitment. I wish you continued strength and perseverance. <3
Hilgenfeld family wrote on 18 November 2020 at 14:42
A donation is out, of course! LG from near Berlin
Angelika and Thorsten from Hamburg wrote on 8 November 2020 at 11:42
We are grateful for the opportunity you have given us to help on site and we realise that the privilege of enjoying this beautiful island every year is not something that can be taken for granted at this time of year. We would like to encourage you to plan a small extra campaign for the children at Christmas, which we would be very happy to support. LG Angelika+Thorsten
Trike Mike from Jandía wrote on 3 November 2020 at 14:13
Thank you very much for everything you have organised. You can donate locally with a clear conscience and you know that it will get to where it is needed!
Hans wrote on 1 November 2020 at 22:02
I can only agree with you. It hurts my soul and thank you for your commitment.
Drink Mike wrote on 1 November 2020 at 15:56
Hola, Thank you very much for what you have organised. Now you can donate locally with a clear conscience and you know that the right people are getting it! Keep up the good work! Un saludo del sur Mike
Dierk from Bamberg wrote on 30 October 2020 at 17:25
Hello, I cannot praise and emphasise this initiative by Karola and the others involved enough. For most of us, the plight of those affected on Fuerteventura is almost unimaginable. Any form of support will help here. Many thanks for your commitment
Caja de la pequeña Silvia (5




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